How A Wine Professional Was Influenced To Start A Company For Humanity

Posted: Jan 30, 2020

Every once in a while people have a game changing experience. Below is the story of a startup in our industry which is committed to honoring the people who grant us the real wine experience.

Humanity in Everything LLC is the little startup company which harnesses the expertise of top industry professionals to create, market, educate, and promote products who will support the Humanity in Everything© produced.

HIE LLC's founder had a vision that had been building during his career in consumer product goods, sales, and marketing. The vision was a direct result of his interaction with thousands of clients and producers alike. 

One day, while he was enjoying one of the beverages he represented, he took a good hard look in the wine glass and asked himself, "I wonder if the people who manufactured my beverage, the driver who delivered it, the person who picked the fruit for the beverage, the warehouse person who carried the boxes etc. have the same quality of life as I do?" The years took the founder to many more meetings. On one occasion while visiting a field where the fruit to make his favorite beverage was being picked, he met a man who was directing this step in the process of manufacturing. He interviewed the man in the field, (it was a hot day in July somewhere on the planet). HIE’s founder asked him the following questions:

  • HIE Founder: "Do you and your team work long hours in the field?"
  • The man answered, "Sun-up through to the night with many teams and shifts".
  • HIE Founder: Do you have a lot of protection from the heat, and the other elements?
  • The man answered, "Not much."
  • HIE Founder: "How about protection for your hands?".
  • The man answered, "Very simple protection."
  • HIE Founder: “How about water?”
  • Again the man answered in the same way.

Our founder was amazed while looking at this man, in his 50-60’s, with the weathered, deeply tanned skin and very simple garb. He also noticed the man's well-worn hat with the holes in it.

  • Our founder asked one last question.
  • HIE Founder: "How do you feel after so many years living on the job the same way?"
  • The man humbly answered, "This is the lot I’ve been handed."
  • The man's answer inspired the launch of the Humanity in Everything© initiative.

Our founder realized that he could no longer appreciate the clothes, shoes, food, beverages, computer, and anything else he enjoyed without understanding that a human had been involved in the manufacture, delivery, and everything else that had to do with everything a consumer owns. HIE’s founder realized there is a Humanity in Everything© we enjoy each day. This brought him to the perfect name for our company: "Humanity in Everything© ." Our company is committed to initiatives such as Climate of Wine Leadership©, Bi-lingual Food and Beverage professional development at, and content sharing to support raising the quality of our industry at There is more to come.

About Luis Torres President at HIE LLC
January 30, 2020

Source: HIE LLC

Contact Information for HIE LLC

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